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paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good morning, everyone, I heard the news from the Fox that the Speaker said that the House ready for the impeachment procedure for the fake president Joe Biden soon. If the parliament pass the impreachment bill, the fake president Biden must be stepped down and Donald Trump will be president in United States again. However, I am not optimistic about passing of the bill about the impreachment. The reason is very simple that the Parliament have been corrupted and manipulated by the Deep State. If the Deep State not collapse, the status of the United States will be replaced by other country especially as Russia and even the whole country will be wiped out. Of course, I still wish this bill will be passed by the Parliament although the chance of happening it is very low, the end.

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Good evening, everyone, I always support the Putin to be permanent president in Russia because he is a righteous and combat against the Deep State. He signed the law to prohibit the LGBT especially as ban any people who live in Russia to assign any surgical sex change is a good example.  Moreover, LGBT activities are absolutely contravene the Bible teaching. He should enact the Law that all of the activities which are supporting the LGBT must sentence to death although the fake Human right organizations criticized against the death penalty impose of LGBT activists is violating the human right. One more thing, the Sharia law against the LGBT activities should be imposed on all over the world such as Singapore, Mainland China and Hong Kong, the end.

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paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大家好,有不少人認知就是中共邪惡,非滅它不可;是的,它的所作所為真的如此,例如在毛澤東時代殺的人數比當年小日本侵華而死的人還要多;再加上習主席當住在該國人民包括住在香港的人是韭菜,再加上深層國家(Deep State country)首腦美帝國等不斷灌輸二元論,使不少香港人認為只有黃藍,沒有中立,即使所謂中立也是香港深層政權(Hong Kong Deep State regime)的幫兇,也要視為藍營,即是親邪共及香港深層政府,在這樣不斷灌輸情況下因而黃毒思上身;一旦不站在黃營一方就是邪惡幫兇藍營的一方;他們究竟有沒有想過邪共滅了而中國落入隸屬美帝國的深層政權手中,這樣有什麼後果?屆時全球除了俄羅斯外也要吃蟲及實行減碳排放的暴政,他們又知道嗎?不要感情用事,完。

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大家好,有些人質疑筆者關於「難道颱風也是由HAARP形成嗎?」,原因是未有HAARP發明前颱風也已在西太平洋地區形成,公元1962年溫黛就是一好例子;其實HAARP發明前颱風早已形成,可是HAARP也會受到間接影響例如登陸點及副高狀況,更會影響颱風本身強度;因為海水溫度增加可以使颱風強度變得更強;更肯定的是今年全球北半球不少國家及地區受到極端高溫天氣是由HAARP造成,目的就是可以藉此歸咎於全球氣候變化(Global climate change);乘機可以藉著減碳排放為由限制甚至剝削人民出行自由,其心可誅;若不是如此,為何出現極端高溫天氣越來越頻密的嗎?又如何解釋嗎?完結此文章前一再重申颱風形成是自然現象,只是HAARP可以影響副高等狀況,從而間接影響颱風強度及登陸點,這是筆者的結論;可是明白此理論的人又有多少嗎?完。

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