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paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大家好,烏膠經常也是抱著阿Q精神,以為烏克蘭快戰勝了,其實若沒有邪惡深層西方聯盟(Deep State Western Alliance)特別是北約(NATO)及美帝國(American Empire)助紂為虐及拙拙逼人,俄羅斯早已在這場戰爭結束,烏克蘭更會不戰而降,甚至避免此場戰爭結束,只是烏克蘭境內有太多俄奸,他們還以為西方國家好,他們真的天真幼稚、不知好歹,所以才逼使俄羅斯攻打烏克蘭,頓巴斯人民就是明智,識時務者為俊傑,知道誰才是真正正義,因此俄羅斯必須擁有核彈並壯大起來,才能對抗邪惡美帝國;再者筆者已經在文中不只一次地提及美帝國在全球多個國家特別是阿富汗、伊拉克以至敘利亞等弄到生靈塗炭而俄羅斯有嗎?而且只有俄羅斯才有能力對抗邪惡勢力,因此筆者所發表的主張是對的;完。

paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good morning, everyone,  I am reminding one more time to all the people who live in United States. They must move away the United States to South American such as Brazil because there is seem like as suffer the 4th phase of cancer in this place. The circumstances in this place is also worsen than the Mainland China. Otherwise, there is none of our business if they are suffering and facing the serious consequences. For example, the LGBT activities are very active can prove that there is Babylon in this place and also will be wiped out completely in this place. Furthermore, there is many problems also not able to be solved in this place, so that why I have the advice to all people who live in United States must move away here, the end.

paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good morning, everyone, I dislike many Hong Kong people and Mainland China people because they are barbarian and they are not nice. However, there are many Hong Kong local people and Chinese people, they make me disappointed and even hopeless and have not any of sympathetic, so I want to move away Hong Kong permanently if I can leave. Therefore, I very like other countries such as Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and Brazil. Some Japanese people are clever, they move to Brazil to live despite of poor security in here. In addition, the Brazil people are very nice, the end.

paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good evening, everyone. My feeling is not good recently because many people dislike me recently, the chairman is helpless because many committed members also dislike me and require the chairman to deploy me although the colleagues who dislike me have been fired by Chairman, so I very dislike Hong Kong. However, the requirement of immigration is high, you need to have much money. For example, if you want to apply the permanent residents in Malaysia successfully, you need to have USD$2 million to security deposit or believe in Islam, but I like Malaysia far more than in Hong Kong, I have also not enough money to achieve this wish, so I am not happy and wish to be the richer. Moreover, I do not need to live in Hong Kong if I to be richer. One more thing, I wish more readers like reading my articles and become my supporters.The end.

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paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good afternoon, everyone. The YouTuber Martin Oei said that the movie of purge will be happened in Mainland China and Hong Kong because the economic in China is very poor now, more Chinese people is going to Vietnam to find a job now. Moreover, more assembly lines by manufacturing companies are also moving from Mainland China to Vietnam, he also not understand why the rich people don’t sold out the property and move away Hong Kong. However, that is still not able to prove that the conclusion by YouTuber Martin Oei is correct as the actual economic performance in Mainland China is measured by the Yiwu market. I don’t know what the actual performance of Mainland China unless I go to Yiwu market to observe the performance of consumption by local people in here as well as the number and amount of transactions can be made by trade companies which is from other countries. Therefore, the own of debt in United States is far more than in Mainland China, the economic performance is also far worsen than the Mainland China. For the other aspects, the United States is also more terrible. Nobody can rescue the United States, the probability of happening the civil war in United States is far more than in China, so the probability of happening the movie of Purge in United States is also far more than in China, the end.

paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good afternoon, everyone, some people said that Donald Trump is fake white hats and righteousness  people, but many people especially as who live in United States still believe that he can save the world especially as United States. Although I believe that the Deep State will not allow Donald Trump become the president in the United States again, I still think he is only have the two ways to prove that he is a white hat. One is exile to overseas especially as Russia. Second is assassinated by anyone who is Deep State.  The third is he must impose the martial law in the United States, but I think the chance of happening this is very low. However, many people still not accept it is a fact and he still not able to rescue the United States because there is critical condition on the border of death in this country, the end.

paul_620hk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good morning, everyone. I am very glad for the new right wing government is formally formed in Finland because this is a symbol for deep state lose and there is reflect that the intelligence of local residents is very high in this country. I know the new government in Finland want to change the existing policy was set by the formed government especially as the immigration policy. I also know many Muslims were immigranted to the Finland and the new government in Finland do not want to become the Islam’s country. Therefore, I have some advices to the new government in Finland that the EU and NATO must be withdrawn if it want to maintain the prosperity and happiness in this country, the end.

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