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Good evening, everyone, Lula is not a bad president because he is willing to condemn the crime of evil fake Israel, that is prove that he is also not a deep state member although more resident in Brazil support former president Bolsonaro. In fact, the Bolsonaro had been improved all aspects especially as security in Brazil when he was a president in Brazil, the crime rate was also decling during this period, nobody is able to deny these facts. Moreover, the Bolsonaro was also not force the resident to inject the COVID-19 toxic vaccine. That is the end of comment in this article.

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Good evening, everyone, I have received the news about the Donald Trump said the Zelensky government is corrupted and even Ukraine is a part of Russia. I agree with him because the current Ukraine government is absolutely traitors and betrayed from Russia. In fact, the Ukraine is a part of Russia, many resident in Crimea was agreeing to join in Russia, annex with Russia and become a part of Russia, so aid package in Ukraine is absolutely not respect the aspirations from the Crimea resident and even resident in American Empire, so I believe that the Donald Trump is not the deep state member. John Wick said that he is a deep state member is not right. However, I agree with him that the American Empire cannot be avoided civil war, that is the end of comment in this article.

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Good evening, everyone, the main reason of trade deficit in America Empire is the quality of product is becoming poor, not the strong US dollars. Moreover, more countries are not willing to buy the large amount of American Empire product, so that are the reasons that the trade deficit in American Empire cannot be solved even if US dollars weaken. Moreover, the Federal Reserve in American Empire must plunge the interest rate. However, the inflation in American Empire is not able to be solved because the inflation in American Empire is also structural, the inflation problem will also be becoming serious if the Federal Reserve in American Empire plunge in interest rate, that is the end of comment in this article.

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大家好,以色劣(以色列)總理內塔尼亞湖說美帝國對它的援助是捍衛西方文明;他說是的,在他心目中巴勒斯坦人相信伊斯蘭教,伊斯蘭文明就是野蠻,思想就是邪惡,因此要把巴勒斯坦人滅掉了,這樣則捍衛了西方文明;呵呵!若是如此,難道西方文明又真的是文明嗎?它們也採取了唯我獨尊及雙重標準的態度來看待世界不同國家,只要稍有國家不配合它們特別是美帝國的政策,則會被他們標籤為邪惡或不文明,證明它們是賊喊捉賊,根本較伊斯蘭更邪惡、更兇殘、更不文明,只是想維持西方特別是美以霸權來實行所謂新世界秩序(new world order),新世界秩序就是全球霸權主義;再者西方文明根本就是假文明,捍衛它就是捍衛野蠻和邪惡;完。

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Good morning, everyone, the American Empire House of Representatives had passed the aid bill to Israel, Urakine and Taiwan not only waste the taxpayer money, but also want to make the World War 3. They also said that bolster security and stability in the Indo-Pacific. I think all of them are lying, they want to provoke to China actually. Moreover, the Palestiane, Sudan, Haiti and other poor African countries need to aid actually, why the American empire not provide some money to aid them if the American empire are rightousness and love peaceful. Furthermore, if the American Empire love their residents and priority first for them, why they not allocate some money to build the border? So that why many people especially as live in America Empire resident love the Donald Trump and rather him to be American Empire president than Biden. That is the end of comment in this article.

Author: Paul Paul

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大家好,今時今日筆者已經不想再發表關於有毒新冠疫苗的事情,然而教會自從當年沒有出來反對強制接種有毒新冠疫苗的事情,則已經鑄成大錯了,因為你們沒有行公義好憐憫,也有份當所謂新世界秩序(new world order)的幫兇,完全違反聖經教導,難怪現今教會荒涼,也是咎由自取;還有某些福音派還支持錫安主義,鐘情假以色列,不過聖經某程度上是正確無誤的,特別是在天堂與地獄方面,所以筆者寧可相信聖經也不要相信教會特別是某些牧者;筆者也會在這篇文章上以某些經文來教導大家。

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Good evening, everyone, I have read the news that the Argentina new president said that the Argentina would become the NATO partnership and strengthen the cooperation with NATO, his behavior is also able to prove that he is a deep state member. He is obviously different from the Brazil former president Bolsando(博爾索納羅). The Argentina resident selected him to be a new president was absolutely tragedy. Moreover, he also not able to solve the internal problem especially as hyperinflation in this country. Furthermore, he is a Zionism, so that why he is a deep state member. There is the end of comment in this article.

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大家好,早數天澳洲主教遇襲,他沒有因此而重傷已經是不幸中之大幸,然而他挺身反深層集團(Deep State)所推行的新世界秩序(New world order)並反假以色列主張錫安主義暴行,他因此而遇襲,由此證明此事件可能又是一場偽旗行動(False flag),製造人人自危這種現象;又或者是他與遇襲者有不為人知的個人因怨而造成此事件發生,遇襲者更有可能是具錫安主義背景,因立場不同而遇襲;不管如何,這場襲擊的真相是一件不為人知的事情;完。

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Good morning, everyone, somebody said the Article 23 of Basic Law is surpressing the freedom of speech through tackling against the endanger the status of country. They not completely know what is the surpress the speech truly. The hate speech law in Scotland said that mother and father is complying with the hate speech. If the words are not complying the definition of equality, you already breached against the hate speech law in Scotland. If you are threatening, abusive or insulting, with the intent of stirring up hatred against a group of people based on race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins, you have breached this law in accordance with this act in Scotland.For example, if you criticize the LGBT policy, you also contravant against the hate speech law, you need to incur the legal consequences. There are the truths about the hate speech law in Scotland, that is the end of comment in this article.

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Good morning, everyone, somebody said that the syllabus of liberal studies are biased, I don’t think so, but I think the reformation of liberal studies is necessary because we need to strengthen the awareness of loving our country and content of modern China. For example, if the Hong Kong government want the next generation to love China, the Basic Law and national security law should be added to the syallbus of liberal studies.  I think effectiveness of my suggestion is far more than replaced by citizen and social development subject.Moreover, the grade should be maintained between U or level 1 and 5**, not attained nor unattained in order to maintain the recognization by international education bureau or college, that is the end of comment in this article.

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大家好,電影關於美帝國內戰劇情必會發生,除了筆者所引用這三個原因外,就是深層集團(Deep State)所統領的政府利用非法移民來造票,又用司法手段來逼害特朗普(Donald Trump),與民為敵,藉此分化並撕裂社會;若不解決這些惡者的話,非法移民與該國合法居民勢必引起流血衝突,然後美帝國深層政府意圖鎮壓具公義的合法居民,從而意圖製造美帝國版六四事件,或重演公元2021年1月6日美帝國白宮附近因特朗普支持者衝入而引致流血事件,這樣則會加深該國與人民之間的鴻溝,因而引發美帝國內戰,這就是筆者認為美帝國勢必引發內戰的第四個原因;完。

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